
RSS / E-mail Patent Lawsuit Filing Notices

Posted by Stephen M. Nipper at September 12, 2005 04:59 AM

The fact that a lawsuit has been filed can be an incredibly valuable piece of information, especially in the practice of patent law.

Today, Rethink(IP) announces the availability of another tool that allows you to acquire that valuable piece of information, every week with little to no effort.

Why is the existence of a lawsuit such a valuable piece of information?

First, the defendant might not know that he/she/it has been sued!

Your company, or your client, might have no idea that a patent lawsuit has been filed. How can this be? Remember that in the United States, a plaintiff has 120 days from the date of filing to serve a Complaint upon the defendant(s). To reserve a preferred venue/forum, many times a plaintiff will preemptively file the suit and not serve the Complaint, spending up to the next 120 days putting their case together, acquiring additional evidence, and (sometimes) attempting to settle the dispute.

Knowing that your company or client has been sued (but hasn't been served) can be priceless information when counseling them. How's that for a valuable "heads up"?

Second, the filing of a lawsuit can also be a valuable piece of competitive intelligence.

Knowing that competitor X just sued competitor Y may change discussions you're having with competitor X, Y, and/or A! It could also help in decision-making on several issues, such as marketing and product development. Best of all, it may allow you to monitor the case for information that might be helpful in a variety of situations.

We here at Rethink(IP) recognize the value of this information, and have created another RSS feed to deliver it to you.

The new RSS feed covers US patent lawsuit filings. We plan to update the feed at least weekly -- an interval that we expect will deliver value in a timely manner.

Each item in the feed will contain information on the lawsuits filed in the prior period (e.g., the past week). For each individual lawsuit, the names of the parties, name of the district court, and the case number.

A sample weekly report appears at the bottom of this post.

The RSS feed is available here:

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Court: candce
Filed: 9/1/2005

Court: dedce
Filed: 9/1/2005

Court: dedce
Filed: 9/2/2005

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John Lambert Says:

September 12, 2005 05:39 PM

Well done chaps. Keep up the good work. I've already brought this very useful service to the attention of my chums on this side of the Atlantic. Good luck.
Kind regards

John Lambert

Louise Franco Says:

September 28, 2005 11:39 AM

A great tool but it would be even greater if you identified the patent number(s)involved in the infringement cases.

Tom Says:

October 3, 2005 01:32 PM

Just wondering where you get this information from? Is there a way to find out more information on the particular issues involved?

